de Gans駐村藝術家印卡個展

1717年的《諸羅縣志》記載:「習紅毛字者,橫書為行,自左而右,字與古蝸篆相似。能書者,掌管官司符檄、課役數目,稱為教冊仔。紅毛字不用筆,削鵝毛管為筆,銳其末端,搗之如毳,注墨於筒,浸而書之。紅毛紙不易得,以箋代之,紙背亦可覆書。」1813年的番仔契顯示,荷蘭人被趕走後151年,新港一帶的原住民中仍有能書寫羅馬字的人。也就是自1636年距離,荷蘭人在新港開辦第一所學校,西拉雅有段特殊的書寫史。這個展覽中,將以「鵝」 這個動物物種作為索引,穿梭原住民與殖民者的可能生活,想像書寫作為「技術性的記憶」其生態連結跟原住民行星技術的特異奇點。
詩人與跨領域藝術創作者。印卡發表了多本詩集和散文集,包括《Rorschach Inkblot》、《一座星系的幾何》等作品。過去曾任英國灣園、新加坡Grey Projects、UNESCO布拉格文學之都駐村作家或藝術家。近年來注意漢字書寫多樣性與東南亞華裔書寫體系與翻譯系統的研究,並將其放在生態關係、地緣政治、冷戰結構或殖民結構中進行相關創作。
Enkaryon Ang
Poet and interdisciplinary artist. Enkaryon Ang has published several collections of poetry and essays, including "Rorschach Inkblot", "A Galaxy of Howness", and etc. He has been a resident writer or artist in Cove Park in the U.K., Grey Projects in Singapore, and UNESCO Prague City of Literature. In recent years, he has been studying the diversity of sinography and the writing as well as translation systems of Sinophone in Southeast Asia. He then incorporates his findings into his creations to explore ecological relationship, geopolitics, and the structures of cold war or colonialism.
"The Annals of Chulo County" in 1717 recorded, "Those who have learned the red-haired letters (Latin alphabets), write horizontally from left to right in rows. The letters resemble the ancient seal script of calligraphy. The literates, who are called bookmen, can handle official documents, do administrative works. The red-haired don’t use brush pens when writing. They craft a goose quill into a pen by sharpening its tip, removing small hairs, preparing an ink bottle, dipping the nib in the ink. Then it’s ready to write. Regular red-haired paper isn’t easy to obtain. Letter paper is a substitute for it. The backside of the paper can also be written on." The foreign Contracts (named by the Han Chinese) signed in 1813 also indicate that 151 years after the Dutch’s expulsion from Taiwan, there were still some indigenous people living around Sinkang knowing how to write in Romanization. This also means, since the Dutch founded the first school in Sinkang in 1636, the Siraya have developed their unique history in written language. In the exhibition, the species, "goose", is utilized as an index, with reference to the hypothesized lifestyles of the islanders and the colonizers. Writing, being imagined as a "technical memory", ecologically connects to indigenous lives and creates a singularity beyond their planetary thinking, reaching the infinite.