

不期而癒-2021 Coven-21
展覽日期:2021-05-20 ~ 2021-08-29
上架日期︰2021-12-29 11:41:10

展館藍色牆面及地上,高嶺土繪製成的白色壁畫,加上年代久遠的建築元素以及糖盤─象徵著糖在宴席中扮演的媒介角色,構成了展覽《不期而癒-2021》。藝術家同時也在臺南的青青藝廊,展出了「燒杯、瓶、箱」(beaker, bottle, box),將一系列的藍與白圖案,繪製在三件容器的表面。這兩檔展覽靈感都來自於布洛.厄特的「藥櫥」(Pharmaceutical Cabinet)。

在《不期而癒-2021》中,藝術家將圖案從容器轉換到牆面,容器本身有著重要意義:繪畫包含在拱形橢圓框中、拱形又被包含在容器或是牆面,觀眾包圍著容器上的作品、而作品也將觀眾透過壁畫融入其中。美國西南部印地安部落的陶器基本圖樣,也是以大面積構圖在「基瓦」(舉辦社交或宗教儀式的地穴石屋)牆面上,另一個靈感則是來自法蘭切斯科・克萊蒙特的作品「瞭望台、鑰匙、線、門」(Watchtowers, Keys, Threads, Gates),其兩者都是利用類似鐵鏽的紅色調,進而聯結到陶器。

《不期而癒-2021》則是運用藍和白, 就像在視覺文化中,青花瓷佔了相當重要的份量。藍與白搭配裝飾,幾乎隨處可見,例如在皮爾.亞歷欽斯基的油畫中,也常見容器內含容器的畫面。藍、白、與糖,從以前到現在,曾象徵著奢侈品,而在臺南,糖也是富裕之家的必備之物;到了現在,幾乎所有台南特色美食都是甜的。歐洲的小瓷偶傳統也曾是以糖來製作,成了大廚們一展身手的舞台。瓷器一開始只能用來裝盛甜點,相較於珍貴金屬餐具的沉重嚴肅,這樣的使用也將甜味輕快多變的形象與瓷器相結合。



展場實景環景照片 ( 歡迎線上探索 ! 點擊圖片可以進入展場360度探索參觀喔 ! )

Coven-21 is white clay drawings on blue gallery walls & floor, plus antique architectural elements & sugar plate, a sugar medium for banquet decor. beaker, bottle, box, a simultaneous exhibition at Chin Chin Gallery in Tainan, is a series of blue & white drawings on three pot forms. Both are inspired by Pharmaceutical Cabinet by Bror Utter.

In Coven-21, I move the drawings from pot to wall. The container is paramount: the drawing contained within the arch, the arch contained within the pot or wall, the audience surrounding the artwork of the pot, & the artwork containing the audience in the walls. Motifs on American Southwest Pueblo pottery are painted in larger scale on walls of a kiva, an underground social & ceremonial meeting room. Another inspiration is Watchtowers, Keys, Threads, Gates by Francesco Clemente. Both use a red palette of iron associated with ceramics.

Coven-21 uses blue & white, the most important contribution of ceramics to visual culture. Blue & white decoration continues everywhere, for example, panels by Pierre Alechinsky, which are also often containers within containers. Blue & white & sugar have legacies as luxury status symbols. A prosperous home in Tainan had to have sugar— now nearly all Tainan cuisine is sweetened. European porcelain figurines are based on the tradition of sugar figurines, part of a chef’s repertoire. Porcelain was first allowed only for dessert, associating the whimsy of sweetness with that of porcelain, different from the seriousness of precious metal tableware.

Personally, it is my link between two residencies: Sèvres Porcelain Manufactory in France & Siao-Long Cultural Park in Taiwan. The title, Coven-21, is a response to Covid-19. The pandemic led people to convene differently. Siao-Long’s Gallery A4-2, a windowless room, is ideal for an artist to work in solitude & to convene with an audience.
