

位於佳里區蕭壠文化園區旁成立的蕭壠兒童圖書館;於2008年文建會擴大內需案補助指導下,在前臺南縣政府規劃下歷經近一年的籌備,將舊有蕭壠文化園區辦公室重新修繕、整理,並充實圖書資訊設施,於2009年10月10日正式啟用。 為培養大北門區居民兒童的閱讀生活文化,並配合辦理「募書入股」活動,向全國民眾、各大出版社、企業家、兒童文學家等各界人士募書,其中有台南市企業凱士士企業股份有限公司、惠光企業股份有限公司、財團法人沈水德文教基金會3大企業家相繼捐贈購書,兒童文學家有11名捐贈其個人著作及藏書,共召集566名捐贈者,最終共募得13,796冊圖書,經篩選整理了近12,000冊,充實創館館藏資源。 108年獲文化部補助執行屋頂滲漏水及壁癌修繕工程,於110年1月9日重新開放,建築外觀由駐村日籍藝術家鈴木悠哉設計呈現溫潤色彩,目前藏書37950冊,除兒童繪本外,新增127冊國內外特色精緻立體書,提供鹽分地帶及大北門區親子優質的閱讀場域。


  1. 圖書借閱、查詢等相關服務。
  2. 電腦上網服務:民眾可至櫃檯登記使用。
  3. 視聽服務:民眾持借閱證或個人證件至「服務台」登記使用,於館內觀賞公播版影片。
  4. 無線網路服務。
  5. 瘋電影活動:每周日10:00 - 12:00,1樓木地板區播放。
  6. 說故事活動:每周日15:30 - 16:30,2樓多功能教室,自由入場。
  7. 圖書館參訪導覽。



  1. 參訪對象 : 國內外機關團體、幼兒園、國高中、大專院校及其他。
  2. 參訪時間、時段 : 週三至週五, 09:00 - 12:00, 14:00 - 17:00
  3. 預約方式 : (1)現場預約 (2) 電話預約:06-7234933。
  4. 請於3天前預約,申請預約單位因故取消,應於參訪1天前通知本館。
  5. 申請參訪人數10人以上,40人以下為原則。


  1. 使用電腦前先至櫃檯登記,每人每日限登記2次,每次限用30分鐘(不採預約登記及連續登記)。
  2. 請依館內時鐘時間做為登錄上網時間的基準,勿跳時間登記。
  3. 請勿利用他人資料登錄使用電腦,並請據實填寫資料。
  4. 嚴禁上網玩線上遊戲、交友聊天(例:LINE、Facebook…等)、連結色情網站及進行違法交易等事項。


  • 每人一次限借閱一片與耳機一副,採登記制,請直接持借閱證或身分證至服務台登記使用。
  • 本館DVD為公播版,無法外借使用,只限本館館內、視聽區借閱觀賞。
  • 本館DVD為公播版,一片價值約三千至五千元,請愛惜使用,若有損壞請依價賠償。



Siao-long Children’s Library, next to Siao-long Cultural Park in Jiali District, was founded in accordance with the Stimulus Program to Expand Domestic Demand launched by the Council of Cultural Affairs in 2008. With a year’s preparation carried out by Tainan County Government, the old office premises of Siao-long Cultural Park was transformed to the Library after renovation, improvement, and enhancement of library facilities. The Library was officially inaugurated on October 10th, 2009.

In order to help children in the Great Bei-men Region cultivate reading habits, the Library has co-organized a book donation project to provide a platform for citizens nationwide, publishers, entrepreneurs, as well as children’s literature writers to donate books. In total, there were 566 patrons donating 13,796 books, including KAI SUH SUH ENTERPRISE in Tainan City, Huikwang Corporation, Shen Shui-de Cultural Foundation, and 11 children’s literature writers who donated their own publications and collections. Nearly 12,000 books were selected for the Library to enrich its collections.

Receiving a grant from the Ministry of Culture for renovation construction of roof leak and mold-damaged wall in 2019, the Library is reopen to the public on January 9th, 2021 with a refreshing exterior design of soft and colorful combinations created by the Japanese resident artist, Yuya Suzuki. The Library currently has 37,950 books, including children’s picture books and 127 exquisite pop-up books in different languages to provide an excellent reading environment for children in the Great Bei-men Region. 


  • Book borrowing and information inquiring.
  • To use a computer or internet, please register with the front desk before using.
  • Audio/visual materials: Users are requested to hand in library card or personal IDs to register with the front desk before using.  All the DVDs are public version and available for library use only.
  • Access to Wi-Fi 
  • Free movies: 10:00~12:00 every Sunday at wood floor area on the 1st floor 
  • Story time: 15:30~16:30 every Sunday at multi-function classroom on the 2st floor (open to all)
  • Guided tour in Library  


▶Reservation for a Group Visit

  • Eligibility: Taiwan-based or international organizations, kindergartens, schools at all levels, and other groups
  • Schedule: 09:00~12:00, 14:00~17:00, Wednesday to Friday
  • How to make a reservation:
    (1)  In person (2) By phone: 06-7234933
    Reservations must be made 3 days prior to your visit. To cancel your reservation, please notify us a day before the visit.
    Group size: minimum 10 people, maximum 40 people.

▶Use of computer and internet

  • Please register with the front desk before using a computer (each person can sign in twice at most per day). Maximum duration: 30 mins at a time (seats can’t be reserved or occupied by the same user over 30 mins). 
  • Time of computer use shall accord with time displayed in Library. Please fill in exact start time.
  • Please provide real names and personal information. It is prohibited to use other people’s information. 
  • It is strictly forbidden to use a computer for online games and social network (e.g. LINE, Facebook, and etc.), visit pornographic websites, or conduct illicit transactions.  

▶Audio/visual Materials

  • Each person can borrow an item and a headphone at a time. Users are requested to hand in library card or personal IDs to resgiter with the front desk before using. 
  • All the DVDs are public version and can only be watched in the audio/visual section of Library. 
  • All the DVDs are public version and cost NT$3000~NT$5000 for each. If an item is returned in damaged condition, a charge may occur up to a full replacement value.   

