1975 of My Mother and Me我與母親的民國64年

駐村藝術家 洪鈞元 個展《我與母親的民國64年》(1975 of My Mother and Me)
展覽時間:2020/7/29- 2020/9/20
展覽地點:蕭壠文化園區 A5 館
◎ 系列作品 之一 將參加 寶藏巖國際藝術村夏季藝術進駐串聯計畫
在 2020/8/15-8/16 於 臺北 寶藏巖國際藝術村 上光9號 展間 展出~
〈我與母親的民國64年〉為「你是哪裡人」(Where do you come from)系列作品的尾聲,作品就個人生命歷程之重要年份進行切分,前三件分別為藝術家出生年1981、藝術家父母離婚年1990與藝術家母親今日獨居生活景象的2020。〈我與母親的民國64年〉時間則落於藝術家父母結婚年份1975,以向前回溯的方式進行婚姻與家庭意義的探問,就藝術家看來,母親所代表的不僅是其個人生命的哀傷際遇,亦回應著傳統父權結構下,一種時代女性的身份縮影。作品中,穿鑿了傳統結婚禮俗的繁瑣程序、藝術家父親與哥哥令母親婚後遭受到的不快事件,以及藝術家同母異父姊姊於母親第二次婚姻前的互動想像。作品取景分別於佳里區子龍里、北門高中、蕭壠文化園區、鹽水區永成戲院等地。
About the Artist:
Jun-Yuan Hong, born in Taipei in 1981, currently lives and works in Chiayi. He is a doctoral candidate in Art Creation and Theory of Tainan National University of the Arts. Growing up in a broken family, Hong expresses strong emotional disturbances through his works. By using close-up shots, he intends to construct these intricate perceptions while looking for subjects with similar family background to take part in his films, through which, the artist establishes a comfort zone for his own being together with people sharing the same feelings.
About the Exhibition:
“1975 of my mother and me” is the final release of the series “Where do you come from”. The series segments the artist’s life experiences in different works featuring significant years. The previous three pieces are respectively about 1981, the year when he was born, 1990, in which his parents divorced, and the year of 2020 when his mother is living alone. “1975 of my mother and me” marks the year of 1975 when his parents got married. The artist explores the meanings of marriage and family in a retrospective way. From the artist’s viewpoint, his mother’s anguish is beyond her personal adversity; instead, she could symbolize any other females under patriarchy of the era. The work shows numerous customs of traditional wedding ceremony, his mother’s suffering from his father and elder brother during her marriage, and imagination about the interaction between his uterine sister and his mother before her second marriage. The film was shot in Zi-long Village of Jiali District, Bei-men Senior High School, Siao-long Cultural Park, Yongcheng Theater in Yanshui District, and etc.
Director:Jun-Yuan Hong
Actor:Yu-Chen Cheng、Chi-Shiun Deng、Zhi-Yu Lu
Cinematography:Paul Tsai
Focus Puller:Ming-Zheng Chiang
Editor:Jun-Yuan Hong
Colorist:Jun-Yuan Hong
Props:Jun-Yuan Hong
Music:Juan-Hao Zhang
Sound:Yu-Fong Dong、Feng-Jun Wu
Gaffer:Ying-Rong Chu、 Li-Jun Tan
Still Photographor:You-Ting Yan
Makeup Artist:Yun-Hsuan Su
Script Supervisor:Gui-Lin Huang
Production Assistant:Ke-Hong Chen、Chuan-Yi Hung、Yu-Wen Chen