
Repsychling Nature再循環自然

蕭壠文化園區A10館 A10 Gallery, Siao-Long Cultural Park
展覽日期:2020-01-17 ~ 2021-08-29
上架日期︰2021-08-31 10:19:37

為兒童及親子量身打造的跨國好玩藝術展覽,在蕭壠登場囉!蕭壠兒童美術館全新策畫的《再循環自然(Repsychling Nature)紐約藝術家聯展》,邀你闔家一同漫遊在國際級策展人及多國藝術家們聯手打造的親子藝術空間,讓藝術變得好好玩!1月17日起於蕭壠文化園區A10館盛大展出,歡迎親子共襄盛舉!

本次蕭壠兒童美術館首次邀請到國際級策展人薇妲‧薩巴紀(Vida Sabbaghi)跨國策展,領銜多國藝術家聯合展出。薩巴紀來自美國紐約COPENYC,該機構為市府文化局國際藝術家薦送計畫合作夥伴,自2017年臺南紐約對飛計畫開始合作迄今已有3年,促成多項臺南與紐約城市藝術交流展演活動。

本次從首站美國紐約皇后博物館(Queens Museum)出發巡迴,第6站來到臺灣臺南,特別考察臺灣文化及蕭壠地域特色、人文環境作為創作基底,並以「自然」為主題,作品融入運用日常生活中常見的材料如金屬絲、木頭、紙張、粗布、報紙等,以趣味且重覆堆疊、再循環的手法,為觀眾創造出藝術家眼中奇特的自然樂園。

蕭壠兒童美術館《再循環自然(Repsychling Nature)紐約藝術家聯展》將自1月17日(五)起於蕭壠文化園區A10館(臺南市佳里區六安里六安130號)延長展到2021年至8月29日(日)止,免費參觀,開放時間為週三至日上午9時至下午5時(週一、週二及除夕不開園),歡迎闔家蒞臨參觀共襄盛舉。

再循環自然(Repsychling Nature)紐約藝術家聯展

地點|蕭壠文化園區  A10館
展期|2020年1月17日(五)延長展至 2021年8月29日(日)

策展人|薇妲‧薩巴紀(Vida Sabbaghi)

參展藝術家|歐普麗.蘿茉爾(Aubrey Roemer)、傑克.賈西吉(Jacques Jarrige)、朴繡梨(Sui Park)、威爾.克茲(Will Kurtz)、安允模(Yun Mo Ahn)及布魯克林研究計劃(Brooklyn Research)



展場實景環景照片 ( 歡迎線上探索 ! 點擊圖片可以進入展場360度探索參觀喔 ! )

Inaugurated in 2015, Siao-long Children’s Museum of Art has accommodated various exhibitions, such as “Papercut Story House”, “PapercutField: Soulangh Project”, and “Household Hardware Cinema”. We are dedicated in creating an art space specifically designed for children to learn and experience art. The permanent exhibitions are incorporated with local cultural elements to allow children to cultivate aesthetics through play and interactive games. The vibrant and interactive displays stimulate children’s five senses, including vision, hearing touch, and etc. Aesthetic experiences for younger generations can thus be formed in daily life. 

Starting from New York, U.S., “Repsychling” was exhibited at Queens Museum in New York City at its first iteration and Tainan, Taiwan, as its sixth iteration. Based on Taiwanese culture as well as local and cultural uniqueness of Siao-long, the creations, inspired by the natural world of Taiwan, are brought to life with ordinary materials such as wire, wood, paper, cheesecloth, and newspapers. The artists create natural marvels through lively approaches and recycled materials for visitors. 
