Matter Matters as a Matter of Fact織質址製

作為陶(宋)與織品(饒)藝術作者,材質紋理是我們研究的主軸。駐村期間,拜訪許多中小型製造廠及工匠,蒐集製造過程剩下的邊角料。這些剩料是成為我們作品的主角,例如:安南庫存的機織織帶、麻豆的大理石裁切剩料,甚至是蕭壠過去的文宣都是建構展品的要角。於研究文獻中發現,過去鹽業的副產品為石膏;而鹽工眷屬從事的副業為竹器編織 。石膏和平織法是我們作品結構與形式的媒介。這些散落在大台南地區的產業,籠括鄰里文化和經濟構成,編織出一面無形的網絡,勾勒地方敘事。
Materiality is the starting point of our research. From nearby factories and local craftsmen, we collected leftover materials and unsold inventory, ranging from webbing straps, marble scraps, to even paper flyers from Siao-long Cultural Park. The industries we’ve collected materials from, although seemingly unrelated, have woven an invisible network, supporting the region’s cultural and economic structure.
These collected materials are applied indiscriminately in our sculptures, of which the structure and the form are constructed by plaster and the plain weave technique for their strong relevance to local culture. Plaster was a by-product of salt making while basketry, which could be used for tool repair, was widely seen in households of salt workers as a subsidiary income.
As looking for proper materials, we also got inspiration from balconies in various designs which embellish the streetscape of Jiali. These outward-facing balconies, a critical part in a tableau vivant of the town, are symbols of self-expression of their houseowners. Specifically, a particular type of gridded tiles reappear consistently on balconies in different households, becoming a common expression of these multifarious balconies. Thus, the formal vocabulary of the tiled grid and the architectural elements borrowed from the balconies of Jiali are manifested in our sculptures.
Moreover, the balcony, acting as a liminal space that brings the outdoors into the private space, can be extremely significant during the current global pandemic. That’s why we’ve built a fountain, symbolizing a communal space, in hopes to breathe and stretch one’s arms again in the days ahead.