Tainan YizhenA11 臺南藝陣館

《雲端香路.數位陣法:陣頭和他們的產地》展覽從 2012 年中研院 GIS 系統加入香科路徑的追蹤記錄,到當代空拍陣頭的動態陣法、動作捕捉模型、4D VIEWS 陣頭身體表現的軌跡,這個展覽以浸潤劇場的信仰氛圍,呈現臺南香陣的當代地理特性、陣法變化與身勢動作特質。
沉浸式影像作品《陣》由策展人龔卓軍監製、臺南在地藝術家張景泓擔任總導演、陳昱榮擔任音樂設計與音場規劃、陳聖元擔任製片,並攜手臺南在地動畫師林宛樺與動畫團隊共同打造,結合臺南五大香科廟宇模型、陣頭開館實景展演影像,在影像技術上也特別與國立臺南藝術大學、文化內容策進院合作,利用電影阿凡達動作捕捉與自法國引進、亞洲唯二的 4D VIEWS 動態容積擷取技術,紀錄陣頭身體記憶的呈現,在沉浸式影像劇場包圍下宛如親臨陣頭開舘現場的震撼;360環景影像專區完整捕捉陣頭展演影音記錄,透過環景的影像與聲音效果,提供身歷其境的現場感受。
總策展人:龔卓軍 / 學術顧問:洪瑩發 / 策展團隊:林經堯、張景泓、陳昱榮、陳聖元 / 視覺設計:羅文岑、謝永晟
協力單位: 文化內容策進院 / 國立臺南藝術大學
書法:林俊臣 / 監製:龔卓軍 / 導演及後製剪輯:張景泓 / 製片:陳聖元 / 攝影:張景泓、殷資閔、洪鈞元、陳聖華、蔡政宏、劉永騏、郭俊良、陳柏沅 / 動畫特效製作:林宛樺、童譯白、陳昱榮、陳文農、何家璇 / 音樂:陳昱榮 / 後期混音:維光音樂有限公司 / 腳本:張景泓、龔卓軍 / 分鏡/素材繪製:蔡維任、楊真亭 / 演出參與者:黃名宏、管律韻、圓劇團林正宗與林乘寬、佳里吉興堂鄭育勤、周俊諺與張有勝 / 360環景影音製作 : 台南藝術大學史評所團隊
Have you ever really seen the dynamic formation performed by the temple troupe parades in Tainan? Do you know anything about temple troupes and where to find them?
The exhibition, “On-cloud Pilgrimage.Digital Formation: fantastic temples troupes and where to find them”, uses the records tracked by the GIS system of Academia Sinica in 2012. With the modern technologies of aerial shooting to record the dynamic troupe formations, motion capture models, 4DViews to film live actions of the temple troupes and generate an immersive theater of religious belief, the contemporary geographic characteristics of temple troupes in Tainan are well presented through the variations of formations as well as the spirit and vitality of temple troupes.
The film “The Troupes” of the immersive theater is collectively accomplished by the executive producer, Jow-jiun Gong, the chief director, Tainan-based artist, Jing-hong Jhang, the music and soundstage designer, Yu-jung Chen, the film producer, Awan Tan, and the local animation team led by the Tainan-based animator, Wan-hwa Lin. The theme is based on the temple models of the five deity processions in Tainan as well as the real-scene images taken from the opening performances of temple troupes. The collaboration with Tainan National University of the Arts and Taiwan Creative Content Agency allows us to employ the Avatar motion tracking and the 4DViews dynamic volumetric capture system that has been introduced from France. The system, which is one of the only two in Asia, enables us to record and present the physical motions of troupe formations and showcases a stunning effect in the immersive theater as if the audience could experience the live performances of temple troupes in person. The 360° panorama videos also immerse the viewers in the scenes of temple celebrations through the complete documentary of troupe performances and the panoramic images and surround sound effect.
The visual designer, Yun-sheng Hsieh, creatively incorporates the religious symbols of announcement notice and banners for deity processions as well as the imagery of temple troupes and the patterns of Chinese characters as a visual guidance for the gallery. The innovative design generates dialogues with the pattern designs of the graphic designer, Mirr Lo and the artist, Chin-chang Liao. The exhibition, which also displays the clay statues of gods and divine palanquin from Zheng-xing Temple in Jiali, temple structures of Sha-tao Temple, the headdress of the Eight Generals from Zhen-shan Temple in San-wu-jia, and multiple cultural artifacts, including religious instruments and costumes, is expected to bring a distinctive perspective as well as experience through the fusion between tradition and contemporary art, culture, and techniques.
The visitors can be involved in the role of scouting, leading the way, dispelling, exhibiting the power of deities, and safeguarding for deity processions and step into the world of Song Jiang Battle Array, White Crane Troupe, 12 Escorts for the Goddess of Childbirth, Golden Lion Troupe, the Generals, and the Musicians of the Imperial Court. Together, we shall explore these fantastic temple troupes and their origins.
│Curating Team│
Chief Curator: Jow-jiun Gong / Academic Advisor: Ying-fa Hung / Curating Team: Jin-yao Lin, Jing-hong Jhang, Yu-jung Chen, Awan Tan / Visual Design: Mirr Lo, Yun-sheng Hsieh
│Film Production Team│
Collaborative institutions: Taiwan Creative Content Agency / Tainan National University of the Arts
Calligraphy: Chun-chen Lin / Executive Producer: Jow-jiun Gong / Director and Post-production Editor: Jing-hong Jhang / Film Producer: Awan Tan / Photographers: Jing-hong Jhang, Zi-min Yin, Jun-yuan Hong, Sheng-hwa Chen, Cheng-hung Tsai, Yong-qi Liu, Chun-liang Kuo, Po-yuan Chen / Animation and Special Effect: Wan-hwa Lin, White Tung, Yu-jung Chen, Wen-nung Chen, Chia-hsuan Ho / Music: Yu-jung Chen / Post-production Mixing: W.G. Studio Company / Script: Jing-hong Jhang, Jow-jiun Gong / Storyboard / materials drawing: Wei-ren Tsai, Zhen-ting Yang/ Participants in the film: Ming-hong Huang, Lu-yun Guan, Cheng-tsung Lin and Chang-kuan Lin from Thunar Circus, Yu-chin Cheng, Chun-yen Chou, and You-sheng Chang from Zhen-shan Temple in Jiali / 360° Panorama Video Production: Department of Art History, Criticism, and Cultural Relics in Tainan National University of the Arts